UA Graduate Students
Partial list of completed Ph.D.s & current positions
Anna Alexander, Associate Professor, California State University, East Bay
Quotidian Catastrophes in the Modern City: Fire Risks in Mexico’s Capital, 1860-1910
Michelle Berry, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
Cow Talk: Ecology, Culture & Identity in the Intermountain West Range Cattle Industry, 1945-1965, 2005
Marcus Burtner, Visualizing a Domesticated Natural Landscape: The Social and Scientific Organization of Space in the Twentieth-century Sonoran Desert, 2012
Stephanie Capaldo, Boise State University
Smoke and Mirrors: Smelter Pollution, Competing Discourses and the Cultural Construction of Environmental Justice in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 2013
Paul Hirt, Emeritus Professor, Arizona State University
A Conspiracy of Optimism: Sustained Yield, Multiple Use, and Intensive Management on the National Forests, 1945-1991, 1991
Onur Inal, University of Vienna
A Mediterranean Port City and Its Hinterland: An Environmental History of Ottoman Izmir and the Western Anatolian Countryside in the Nineteenth Century, 2015
Tai Johnson, Assistant Professor, Longwood University
The Environmental Politics of Subsistence: Agroecological Transformation on the Hopi Indian Reservation, 1950 – 2000, 2016
Michael Logan, Professor, Oklahoma State University
Fighting Sprawl and City Hall: Resistence to Urban Growth in the Southwest, 1945-1965, 1994
Byron Pearson, Professor, West Texas A&M University
People above Scenery: The Struggle over the Grand Canyon Dams, 1963-1968, 1998
People above Scenery: The Struggle over the Grand Canyon Dams, 1963-1968, 1998
Neil Prendergast, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
American Holidays: A Natural History, 2011
American Holidays: A Natural History, 2011
Megan Prins, Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia
Winter in America, 1880-1920, 2015
Emily Wakild, Professor, Boise State University
Resources, Communities and Conservation: The Creation of National Parks in Revolutionary Mexico under President Lázaro Cárdenas, 1934-1940, 2007
Resources, Communities and Conservation: The Creation of National Parks in Revolutionary Mexico under President Lázaro Cárdenas, 1934-1940, 2007