UA History PhDs 

Partial list of completed Ph.D.s & current positions
Denise Bates, Associate Dean and Professor, Arizona State University
Up from Obscurity: Indian Rights Activism and the Development of Tribal-State Relations in the 1970s and 1980s, 2007
Pamela Bennett
Sometimes Freedom Wears a Woman’s Face: Native American Women Veterans of World War II
Michelle Berry, Assistant Professor, Gender & Women's Studies, University of Arizona
Cow Talk: Ecology, Culture and Identity in the Intermountain West Range Cattle Industry, 1945-1965, 2005
Nina Bogdan, Adjunct Professor, University of Arizona
Between Dreams and Reality: The Russian Diaspora in San Francisco, 1917-1957, 2021
Marcus Burtner, Visualizing a Domesticated Natural Landscape: The Social and Scientific Organization of Space in the Twentieth-century Sonoran Desert, 2012
Amy Grey, Faculty, Northland Pioneer College, Arizona
Educated Arguments: The Rhetorical Connections between Schooling and Citizenship in Turn-of-the-Century Tucson, Arizona, 2014
Jane Haigh, Assistant Professor, University of Alaska-Kenai Peninsula College
Political Power, Patronage, and Protection Rackets: Con Men and Political Corruption in Denver, 1889-1894, 2009
Lora Key, Associate Editor, Journal of Arizona History
We're All Americans Now: How Mexican American Identity, Culture, and Gender Forged Civil Rights in World War II and Beyond, 2020
Michael Logan, Professor, Oklahoma State University
Fighting Sprawl and City Hall: Resistance to Urban Growth in the Southwest, 1945-1965, 1994
Cherstin Lyon, Honors College Director, Professor, Southern Oregon University
Prisons and Patriots: The Tucsonian Draft Resisters and Citizenship during World War II, 2006
Mark Miller, Professor, Southern Utah University
Ambiguous Tribalism: Unrecognized Indian Tribes and the American State, 2001
Clark Pomerleau, Associate Professor, University of Texas-Denton
Among and between Women: Califia Community, Grassroots Feminist Education, and the Politics of Difference, 1975-1987, 2004
Luke Ryan, Assistant Professor, Georgia Gwinnett College
‘The Indians Would be Too Near Us’: Indians, Americans and the Roads toward Disunion in the Making of Kansas, 1825-1861, 2010
Virginia Scharff, Professor, University of New Mexico
Reinventing the Wheel: American Women and the Automobile in the Early Car Culture, 1987
Sally J. Southwick, Associate Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations, Bates College
Building on a Borrowed Past: Place and Identity in Pipestone, Minnesota, 1999
In memoriam
Kevin Britz, Long may their legends survive: Memory and Authenticity in Deadwood, South Dakota; Tombstone, Arizona; and Dodge City, Kansas
Jennifer Fish-Kashay, Savages, Sinners, & Saints: The Hawaiian Kingdom and the Imperial Contest, 1778-1839, 2002